Who Is Greg Moody?
Greg Moody is recognized as one of the nation’s number one martial arts instructors but his experience goes far beyond martial arts. With multiple degrees in technology, psychology and education, he’s the national expert on bullying prevention and instruction. He’s created multiple successful businesses and works now to help business owners in every aspect of their companies.
The Full StoryAs Seen On
Arizona News 5
Channel 10 News
Parade Magazine
Yahoo Parenting
Arizona Republic
ATA World
He left a very successful career in engineering building satellites and rockets (he’s literally a rocket scientist) in 1995 because he wanted to spend his energies developing people. While engineering and developing technology is an important way to make a contribution to the world, the better way for him would be to help people directly, not through technology.
So he started his Martial Arts School…
Building this school and then the next one until he owned eight locations in Arizona and California along with getting a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in Education made him realize that a solid foundation in marketing, sales, and business was what was usually lacking, not just in martial arts schools but in most businesses.
KarateBuilt™ Martial Arts
KarateBuilt Martial Arts was founded in 1995 by Greg Moody and grew to 8 schools and over 16,000+ students! When Master Instructor Greg Moody founded the school, the three key components to training students was to:
- Build self-esteem not just for our students but in the community
- Build self-discipline… because this is the key to future success
- Increasing safety and personal fitness for everyone around us
These key components have continued to be part of what Dr. Moody and his full-time professional staff teaches every day.
KarateBuilt… Building Students Future!
Book Author Greg Moody
As serial-entrepreneur and author of multiple books Dr. Moody offers his books in eBook and paperback at Amazon and on the Apple iBookstore.
Amazon Author Page Link: Amazon.com/author/gregmoody
Greg Moody
Leadership Isn’t a Thing You Do, It’s Skills You Develop!
The Life Skills of Leaders” shows how leaders are not born, they are made out of specific skills that need to be developed. Any person can, therefore, improve their ability to be a leader by developing these six skills or improving the ones they are weak at. Adults and parents of children can use the “workbook” style to make significant progress in each area. The first book of its kind, first published in 2006, now in its 4th edition, “The Life Skills of Leaders” connects six pillars of leadership – vision, self-esteem, communication, respect, honesty and discipline together to build a foundation for future success for readers and students whether they are young or old because the principles of the pillars transcend age, culture, and education so everyone can learn to become a leader!
Excellence from Examples…
Stories Of The Black Belts: Volume I
Lessons In Success, Excellence, Discipline, Leadership and Life!
Stories of the Black Belts is unfortunately only a partial story. It’s partial because I don’t have all of the thousands of Black Belts we have trained since 1995 in here and more importantly because it’s only a snapshot. It’s just one moment in time where each Black Belt – as a requirement to become a first degree (or second or third degree or higher) Black Belt needed to take a moment and write an essay about “What Karate Means To Me”. While many of these Black Belts are still training and I know their current story, in the last two and a half decades I would love to know what all of their “now” stories are. Actually I do know many of their successes but it’s hard to get the practicing lawyer or the M.D., or one of the entrepreneurs to stop for a minute and write an essay for our book…Nevertheless, in the pages here are, I feel, inspiring and motivating stories about students who started on the martial arts journey as young as 3 years old and some as old as 93. Most began so they could get stronger, gain discipline, build confidence or even learn to defend themselves – the primary reasons students enter the dojang. Yet you’ll see in their essays that they received much more than this. My hope is reading some of these stories will inspire you on your next journey with us in martial arts or to whatever great successes are next!
Getting Started…
Basic Curriculum
Building A Foundation in Martial Arts!
The Basic Curriculum has been developed to help students learn basic skills and find out if martial arts training and becoming a Black Belt is something that they can accomplish. Our goals are that the students understand basic martial arts concepts, the instructors will be able to spend individual time with each student, and be able to focus on improving the student’s physical conditioning.
The Path To Success…
Master Club Curriculum
Building Martial Arts Knowledge!
The Master Club Curriculum has been developed to build Martial Arts knowledge. This is a complete Martial Arts System all the way up to 6th degree Black Belt with the supervision of a certified instructor. The preparation for becoming a leader and instructor in martial arts!
Keeping Kids Safe!
Bullying Prevention
Truths, Myths And What To Do!
Bullying is the most common danger affecting children today – 1 in 3 kids are affected by bullying at any given time. Unfortunately, just about all strategies (in elementary schools, churches, in “common knowledge”) do not work and are based on myths and misperceptions that can damage kids in severe and profound ways. This book will reveal these very common, damaging myths, show the real research and data that will help parents, educators and anyone who wants to help kids actually help!
For Martial Artists!
Time Management For Martial Artists
Kick Butt and Have a Life!
Martial artists may be the most highly trained business owners who have no training in business. This books is a step by step way to wrassle the infinite number of things going on so you get your business life straight and can have a real life!
More Excellence…
Stories Of The Black Belts: Volume 2
More Lessons In Success, Excellence, Discipline, Leadership and Life!
The UPCOMING Stories of the Black Belts Volume II is another chapter in the 1,000s of Black Belts that I have had the honor of working with over the last 3 decades. Like Volume I, we only have room for a select number of their stories, but in this book I have a few special stories… scattered in here among the essays are stories of Black Belt years after they received their 1st degree Black Belt. Some are still training and some are years past. I asked a select few to tell me what martial arts has meant to them in their careers and lives years later. So this is a different kind of snapshot than before. In the pages are more motivating, funny and valuable stories about students who began a journey in martial arts as late in life as 93 and as young as 3 years old. My hope is that this is another step on your journey to success!
Greg Moody – Author
This book presents a straight forward approach to understanding the important elements that contribute to the development of a good leader. Sr Master Moody's has successfully utilized this approach in the development of his leaders and students.
The Author uses the principles of Martial Arts really well to that can apply to everyone.
I have watched the video to the end, it really have a good stuff, discipline is something I am struggling with and ideas I got from the video I will try and implement them, target behavior and 1,2,3 time out,I like that one. Thank you Master Moody for sharing with us it helps us to do things better in our schools.
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- 1:1 Online Conference
- Training Session – based on venue
- Speaking Engagements – based on type of speaking venue
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